Savings Accounts, Certificates of Deposit, & IRA's
We make saving money a simple process while providing a safe place for your deposits. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran saver, we have a plan to fit your needs. For more information or to check on current rates, call us at 785-989-4431 or stop by our office. Disclosures are available on all of our deposit accounts.
Savings Account
- $100.00 minimum opening deposit
- Interest compounded and paid quarterly, click here for current rates
- Semi-Annual statement detailing activity
- 6 free withdrawals per month
Christmas Club Savings
- Convenient way to save for the holidays
- $1.00 minimum opening deposit
- In November receive a check for the balance in the account
- You decide the amount of deposit
Certificates of Deposit
- Wide range of terms available with competitive fixed rates, click here for maturities and current rates
- All Certificates have a $500.00 minimum opening deposit
- You choose method of interest paid, whether by check, deposited to another account, or compounded
- Automatically renewable
Individual Retirement Accounts